
When Love Hurts

Hello sister. Yes you, I see you sitting there all alone thinking no one knows or cares what you are going through. You have isolated yourself from all of your friends and most of your family members because you think this will make “him” happy. 

Let me tell you girl, it doesn’t work! The more you give the more he will take until you have nothing left to give and no one around you to to share your feelings with. You my dear sister are living in abuse, oh no he doesn’t hurt you physically but believe me he’s hurting you. He’s beating you down until you feel you are worthless and deserve nothing more. “It’s all your fault!” Lies! Please hear me when I say I know, I understand. I wish I didn’t but I do, I have been there. 

Like the victim in a spider’s web, the more you fight to get out the tighter his grip on you becomes until you have no fight left and you surrender to this grip and you die. Not physically dead but emotionally. You have nothing left, no hope of change, you’re stuck.

This is what he wants you to believe, no way out. Yes there is a way out, through Jesus Christ. You may think you have no friends but you do have a friend in Jesus. (John 15:13-15). I urge you to call upon Him, talk to Him. Ask Him to change the heart of your abuser, pray your abuser will listen and change his ways. But most of all pray for God to give you the strength, wisdom and courage to do what is right. Read His word, that is where you will find that wisdom and learn to discern God’s voice. You cannot change the abuser but you can change your mindset. You are a child of the King, you deserve more than what you are receiving. Put your faith in God, He will break through those webs, releasing you to freedom through Him. 

Jesus is your savior, place your hope in Him, believe He will walk with you through this. (1Timothy 4:10). Trust me when I say there is hope for change, but it starts with the renewal of your mind, (Romans 12:1-2). You are worthy my dear sister, worthy and loved. 


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