
Hearing From God

Can we just be honest here? How often do you read God’s word? How often do you listen to the words you have read?

For all of my life I’ve heard “the answer in the word”. Yes I have read the Bible, in it’s entirety, in fact. I believe some of those times that’s all I was doing, it was just reading. Yes I have had a few of those “aha” moments where I knew God was speaking directly to me. It was those moments that I was actually listening.

Over the years, I have tried to make it a habit of reading God’s word daily. However I must confess sometimes I find myself scanning quickly through the words so I can check done. These are the days I couldn’t even tell you what I had read, I wasn’t listening.

I’ve recently discovered something.

I have always enjoyed keeping a journal, writing down my thoughts has been a great outlet for me. A few months ago I felt God calling me to write for him. Feeling totally inadequate, (yes God reminded me of Moses, Exodus 4:10-13) I decided to join an online writing course. I quietly joined, keeping all my writing to myself for fear of judgement or disapproving comments. Slowly God has been pulling me out of my comfort zone as I begin to share some of my thoughts on Instagram and Facebook. I simply want to be a messenger of God’s word.

Before I post anything I always do research on the scripture that  I am sharing. Often this takes hours, for I want to make sure I’m not taking the verse out of content. What I have discovered in this process is that perhaps God hasn’t been calling me to write as much as he is calling me to read.

His word is so alive!

“Everything that was written………..” God didn’t just give the authors words to use to make up a good story. He gave those words knowing we would face all sorts of trials, riots, fears, anger, divisions and yes, even Covid-19. He gave us His word to have instructions on how to endure such a time as this. In order to encourage us that through him, his word and his son we do have hope.  (John 5:13-14.)

Isn’t that exciting? Regardless of what you are going through, weather it be fear, illness, anxiety, loneliness, rejection. Whatever it might be our God knows, sees and has lovely given us the instructions we need to to find our hope.

I know with all of the hustle and bustle of life we all can get too busy to take the time we need to read and hear God’s word. I totally understand, I’m guilty as charged. But how is it that I find time to check my social media, not once but sometimes several times a day? It’s embarrassing to admit how I can put these things before God.

So if you are struggling (and who of us aren’t) I challenge you to read God’s word, search for his answers and watch what a difference he will make in your life.

God has given us the very breath we breath, he created us to have fellowship with him. He is always there patiently waiting for us to call upon Him. It is up to us to seek him, not half heartedly but with our whole heart.

But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul.”  (Deuteronomy 4:29 NIV).

A good resource to help you get started:

Lysa Terkeurst, who through her Proverbs 31 ministry, has an online bible study app called First 5.  That means before opening Instagram, Facebook, email or anything else  that takes our attention, we are to take the first five minutes of our day to study God’s word. I can tell you not only is this an excellent idea, the Bible studies are a great way to start your day on the right path.

You can be assured you will never be disappointed by putting God first in your life. I hope this has encouraged you to dig deeper into his word. My goal is to encourage others to have a closer walk with our Lord and Savior. Please feel free to contact me here, through my other social media accounts or email me. I would love to hear what God has revealed to you through his word.




    • Doris Brown

      Thank you so much, Sandra, that means a lot to me. It’s been kinda scary but God keeps dealing with me. I love digging deeper and deeper into his word. Thank you again for the encouragement.

  • Debbie Jones

    I admire you for allowing God to use you in this bold uplifting calling.. praying for you. Thank you for the honesty that as Christians we all read God’s word out of duty and not out of a desire to love And have fellowship with our creator .

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