
Kite Strings

“Yes, but you’re like the kite string, momma. You never allow the family to drift too far away before you pull us all back together keeping everyone connected.”

I love family gatherings, but as our children have grown and now have their own families (some of them grown as well) it becomes harder and harder to get everyone together at one time. Often, I get discouraged as it seems they are flying off in all directions, as a kite flying in the wind.

Therefore, when she said this, I automatically visualized a kite flying and how important the string was to it. If you are a master of kite flying, (that would not be me) while flying a kite, in the proper wind of course, you would have control of where and how far the kite goes. Giving a gentle tug will redirect it when you see it heading into the wrong direction. What if you were to just let the string go? Think of the consequences of doing that, the mess that kite would get into flying off by itself.

While I love the comparison made with me and our family, her comment made me think of our relationship with Christ. How many times in my life have I tried to fly alone? How many times have I felt God tugging at my heart, trying to direct me, trying to show me the way, and I ignored Him? We have that right, God has given us the seed of choice, to listen to His guidance or to do it our way. I can tell you from experience that when we do it our way, happiness eludes us. Always seeking something to fill us, something to satisfy that deep yearning inside of our hearts.

You may be asking “what is wrong with me?” “Why can’t I ever find happiness or satisfaction?” There is nothing wrong with you, only the master of your “string”. Who or what is guiding your path? When we look to God to direct us, then and only then can we find true satisfaction.

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.” (Psalm 32:8 ESV)

He is the string that keeps our kite of life flying in the right direction. When He sees us drifting away, He will always give a gentle tug to pull us closer to Him. It is up to us to respond to that tug and follow His guidance. He is watching and instructing us in the way we need to go.

When we keep our eyes upon the Lord, acknowledging His presence at all times, He will direct our paths. (Proverbs 3:6)

God has a plan for each and every one of us and our lives (Jeremiah 29:11). Even though we may go against His plans for us, we can never wander too far from Him. Just as I will never give up on my family and pulling them in for our gatherings, neither will He give up on us. He is always waiting to pull us back to be connected with Him.


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