
My Happy Place

Do you have a favorite place to visit? A quite place where you can experience peace away from all the ups and downs of everyday life? 

My place is on a trail (or dirt road) horseback riding with my husband. I may see amazing rock formations, with some having lichen, (possibly thousands of years old), growing on them. 

There will always be a variety of trees, differing in shapes and colors. Often, we will cross overflowing creeks, giving the horses a nice drink of fresh cold water. I’ve seen beautiful wild flowers, and an occasional mushroom may peek its head through at just the right time of my crossing. If I’m lucky I may even see a deer or two as they dart through the woods, frightened by our intrusion. In the quiet of the woods, I find so much of God’s glory, and it is very peaceful to me. 

This sort of peace is indeed good for our souls, but there is another kind of peace that Jesus bequeathed us upon His death. 

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27 NIV.

This a different kind of peace. It is nothing like the peace we find in anything on earth, which is fleeting, giving us short periods of it.

The peace Jesus is speaking of is a peace that comes from within our hearts. A peace we receive from knowing Him. Knowing He died for us. Jesus, through His blood, has bought and paid for this peace. Through Him our sins have been forgiven and we are reconciled with God. When we put our faith in Him, we can have this peace that He gives, and it is forever. 

I know this because I have experienced my fears turning to peace many times. One of those times was when my husband had an accident with a runaway horse. I was afraid because we were miles from the nearest hospital. Panic set in, but I called out to God and He heard my voice, giving me peace. A peace I can know could only come from Him. Because He loves me. He loves you too and is telling all of us we need not be troubled or afraid, for He has given us His peace.

We all need to enjoy the things on earth that do give us temporary peace. However, let us continually be mindful of the everlasting peace that comes from knowing Jesus. Regardless of any circumstance we may be facing, we can have His peace.


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