
God’s Calling

I have always enjoyed keeping a journal, writing down my thoughts has been a great outlet for me. A few months ago I felt God calling me to write for him. Feeling totally inadequate, (yes God reminded me of Moses, (Exodus 4:10-13) I decided to join an online writing course. I quietly joined, keeping all my writing to myself for fear of judgement or disapproving comments. 

God revealed to me that not only was I hiding my work I was hiding His work through me. I trusted God was calling me but I wasn’t trusting Him to to work through me to answer that call. I am a messenger of God’s word. My strongest desire is to encourage other women and that by me sharing some of my experiences I can show them, through scripture and the love of Christ, that there is hope even in the worst of circumstances. But if I am not trusting God by sharing my words, how can they be of encouragement to others?

What work is God calling you to do? Sometimes it might seem scary to step out in faith, we all have a unique calling to do God’s work. He has prepared us in advance to attain that calling. “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do”. (Ephesians 2:10) 


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