
Letter to My Younger Self

Dear Teenage me,

Oh there are so many things I have to tell you. You are so full of life, love and excitement. You feel as if there isn’t anything in this world you cannot accomplish. So feisty and unafraid of everything. Also willing to take on any dare that comes your way. You are always ready to put up a good argument to prove your point.  But then somewhere along the way you allowed others to redirect you, changing those thoughts and making you believe you were not worthy of success.

Because you believed these lies you will spend years looking for happiness. You will experience lost jobs, broken friendships and an abusive marriage ending in divorce, causing you to become a single mother. Oh yes you will be a mother, of two beautiful children in fact. A son and daughter, both of whom love you dearly, and are an absolute joy and the pride of your life.

One thing I want to tell you is that you should never doubt yourself. Never stop dreaming those big dreams and working toward them. Never allow the voice of others to be louder in your mind than the voice of your own. Stop trying to make the other person happy, that’s not your job. Never believe that you are not good enough or capable of accomplishing your dreams. Never settle for less than the absolute best for your life.

I remember the night you accepted Jesus into your heart, you were 16 years old and your whole life was in front of you. You accepted Christ, your sins were forgiven, but then you did nothing to grow from there. You were saved but yet you were so lost, never reading His word for direction. Even though your sins were forgiven, you never developed a personal relationship with Jesus. So the most important thing I want to tell you is to don’t just accept Christ then walk away and hope He takes care of you and your choices. Read His word, pray daily and search your heart for His answers in your daily walk with Him. God gave us His word for instruction for living, (2 Timothy 3:16). It is through His word we gain wisdom for our life choices.

Yes my dear Doris you will make plenty of mistakes on this journey called life. But there is good news! You opened your bible and there you found the answer to all your needs and desires. In God’s word you learn that His grace is sufficient and that all of those mistakes will bring you closer to Him (2 Corinthians 12:9).

After learning to trust in God, putting your faith in Him and looking to Him for all of your needs, you will also find true love, happiness and contentment. So in closing my final words of advise to you my younger self is read your bible, trust God, believe in yourself and enjoy the journey.


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