More Than Conquerors
“No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us” (Romans 8:37 New International Version).
“You can do this, You have to do this!” My friend was tugging at my arm as I was about to take my first plane flight. The two of us had booked a cruise leaving from a port with a 10 hour drive from our home. We each only had one week of vacation time, had booked a 5 day cruise, so she convinced me we needed to fly. This would save us time and hotel expenses.
For whatever reason I was absolutely terrified of flying. I had always wanted to but, just could never get the courage to make it happen. Just as as we were entering the terminal I was beginning to have a panic attack and wanted to back out. Her encouragement, (or should I say insistence) paid off as I agreed to enter the plane. Finding my seat I prepared for the worse. I really don’t know what I had expected, something more like a roller coaster ride perhaps. However I was pleasantly relieved that, (after take off where I nearly lost my lunch) it was a very nice flight and I was so proud of myself for having conquered my fear of flying.
More Than Conquers
When we conquer something it means we have won the battle over something, or someone who has had a hold on us. The Apostle Paul, however is telling us that we are more than conquerors. How can that be? Once you win a battle it’s over, right? I mean we won, we are the winner!
But God has given us more than a trophy for our shelf. He gave us Jesus, who died for us, who shed his very blood for us (John 3:16). You or I have not conquered this battle of sinfulness, Jesus has. Accepting, following and placing our faith and trust in him is all we need to do. Not only has he conquered the battle of our past and present sins but all of our future sins.
Paul ask, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?”( Romans 8:31 NIV). Then he goes on to make a list of possibilities; Trouble, Hardship, Persecution, Famine, Nakedness, Danger, Sword, Death, Life, Angels, Demons, Present, Future, Powers of any kind, Height, Depth, “nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:39 NIV).
To me this list pretty much covers any and everything we can imagine, but just in case he missed something Paul goes on to say, “nor anything else in all of creation”. The Apostle is trying to get through to us that God’s love is eternal. Regardless of what we have faced, are facing, or will face, our anxieties, sickness, financial troubles, physical or mental abuse, life or death, absolutely nothing is going to keep Jesus from loving us.
This doesn’t mean we won’t face battles that need to be conquered. In fact, Paul is telling us to get ready for these things will indeed come our way. While nothing can separate his love from us, we can allow things to separate us from him.
When things are going great for us, we have a tendency to go our own way. We start allowing other people, places or things to take up time we need be spent with him. Then when life starts falling apart, because it will, we call out to him. This is how God uses our battles to draw us closer to him. He knows trials will come our way. He knows we will stray from him. Our Heavenly Father desires nothing more than for us to trust in him. His love for us is never ending. It is through him and him alone can we conquer our fears, trials and temptations.
Heavenly Father, thank you for your love that can not be separated from us. Thank you Lord that through your son we are more than conquerors. Help us to walk with you daily. To keep our eyes on you to give us the strength, courage and wisdom we need to face anything that comes our way during this earthly journey. In Jesus’ name, amen.