
Seeking God



How many times have we made this comment during a phone conversation?

But this morning I heard this as I was in the middle of my devotion. I was reading God’s word, searching for answers and seeking His will about something specific in my life when I heard “Hello”? It wasn’t an audible sound, but it could have been for I heard it loud and clear. Yes I was reading the Bible, searching for my answers, but my mind was wondering……..what numbers will the President’s update bring today……….I sure miss being able to see our kids………I must remember to check in on my siblings today………..I wonder if my Instablogs are actually reaching anyone? 

“HELLO? It’s God, I think we have a bad connection here. I see your heart is in the right place with my book in your hand, but it’s your mind that is not connecting with me.” 

Have you ever found yourself doing this? Reading something only to realize you have no idea what you just read? I have to admit I’ve been guilty of that more than once especially when reading the Bible. This makes me wonder how many blessings I have missed by allowing my mind to wander, thus not being aware of the answer God was giving me. When He says to be still and know that He is God (Psalms 46:10) He is telling us to let go of trusting in ourselves, in order to know His perfect peace and be delivered from our worries and fears.

Upon going back and rereading the scripture, there was no doubt that God was speaking to me, giving me the answers I was seeking for but had all but missed because my mind was not where it needed to be. 

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2 NIV

Our Lord is always available for us, waiting for us to call upon Him. Time we spend reading His word is when we hear him to speak to us. However, we sometimes fail to have the connection we need to hear Him clearly. Before we begin to look for those answers we are searching for, we need to remember to go to Him in prayer asking Him to allow our minds to be still so we can hear and know when we receive that answer.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for your word where we can find the answers we need in our daily lives. I thank you Lord for showing me the areas of weakness I have when seeking you. I ask God that you help us all to renew our minds so we will know your good and perfect will for our lives. In Jesus’ precious and holy name I pray. Amen. 


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