
The Waiting Game

I like to think of myself as a patient waiter. I might not like the waiting I have to do in line at the checkout counter. Waiting in a long line at the amusement park, may not be apart of the fun. However, that sort of waiting doesn’t normally affect my mental attitude.

I respond quite differently when it comes to waiting on the end results of medical situations. For instance when either of my grandbabies were about to arrive. I paced the floor wringing my hands while my daughter-in-law or daughter were in labor. Then there was the time my son was in surgery from a horrific accident. While waiting for the surgeon to come out saying all was well, I was literally shaking so much I could not sit still.

Now we are awaiting the results of a pet scan on our oldest daughter. I find myself having trouble focusing on anything else but those results. No this “fix all things” momma is not a very patient waiter when I have no control of the end results of my waiting.

Jesus Waited

I am reminded of Jesus as He awaited the end results of His situation. While He was the only begotten son of God, He was still just as human as you and I are. He had the same emotions, same way of feeling pain and heartache as we do. Jesus had the same desire to avoid His suffering while awaiting the end results. He was overcome with sorrow and fell on the ground in prayer.

Then He said to them, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.” Going a little farther, He fell with His face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” (Matthew 26:38-39, NIV)

Jesus knew His results

The difference is He knew what His results would be. Jesus knew the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual agony He was about to suffer. Yet, He was willing to go through such suffering in order to save you and me from eternal death through the forgiveness of our sins. (Matthew 26:28)

Even though, Jesus was willing to go through this suffering, His human flesh called out to His Father three different times before going to the cross, (Matthew 26:39, Matthew 26:42 and Luke 22:42) each time asking God to “take this cup” from Him. Yet in every request He added, “If it be your will, Lord”. Therefore, God knows the waiting is hard. He is there for us to give us the strength we need to get through all the waiting.

Just as my grandbabies were born perfectly healthy, their mothers came through the labor just fine, and my son’s surgery went well with no complications, so shall I believe the results of our daughter’s pet scan will come with the best results.

So each time we are put to the test of waiting I pray we will draw my our strength from the Lord, just as Jesus did, when He said, “if this is your will Lord”.

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